Washington Cosmetology License Information

In order to obtain a license in Barbering, Cosmetology, Esthetics, or Nail Technology in the state of Washington, individuals must complete the requirements listed below. Other requirements may apply.

Barber: 1000 hours
Cosmetologist: 1600 hours
Esthetician: 600 hours
Nail Technologist: 600 hours

Licensing Fee Schedule: (Fees subject to change)

Fee schedule applies to all fields.

Application Fee: none
Biennial Renewal: $40

Continuing Education Requirements:

The department shall issue a license to any individual who is properly licensed in any state, territory, or possession of the United States, or foreign country as long as the applicant submits an application, required fee, proof that the individual is currently licensed in good standing as a cosmetologist, barber, manicurist, esthetician, instructor, or the equivalent in that jurisdiction, and provides proof that the individual has passed the director-approved examinations with the minimum passing score approved by the director.

Contact Information:
State of Washington Department of Licensing
Cosmetology Licensing Program
PO Box 9026
Olympia, WA 98507-9026
Richmond, VA 23230-4917