Missouri Cosmetology License Information

In order to obtain a license as a Cosmetologist, Esthetician or Manicurist in the state of Missouri, individuals must complete the requirements listed below. Other requirements may apply.

Cosmetology: 1500 hours (1220 from school training)
Esthetician: 750 hours
Manicurist: 400 hours

Apprentice Hours:

Cosmetology: 3000 hours
Esthetician: 1500 hours
Manicurist: 800 hours

Licensing Fee Schedule: (Fees subject to change)

Licensure for all types of operators: $25

Continuing Education Requirements:


Upon making application to the board, the board shall issue a Missouri Certificate of Registration (or license) without an examination to an applicant who holds a current cosmetology license in another state or District of Columbia, provided the requirements for licensure are substantially equal, or superior, to those in Missouri at the time of application. The application needs to be properly completed on a form supplied by the board, and be accompanied by the following: (1) An affidavit completed by the state licensing agency verifying the type of license held by the individual in that state; (2) Two photographs (head shots) measuring two inches by two inches (2? × 2?) taken within the past years; (3) The cosmetology reciprocity fee.

Contact Information:

Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners
3605 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 1062
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1062
866-762-9432 (toll free)
